Friday, 31 August 2012

Just a Dream . . .

Our dream is very simple, help people see the world around them. Not the man made, cement encrusted world that most people see every day. We are talking about Mother Earth at Her most lovely, She is peaceful, tranquil, beautiful and giving. There is so much that we can learn from our interactions with Her, all you have to do is be open to it. We were not meant to live on this planet and take everything we can from Her, we are meant to live in harmony, in a give give relationship. You might think this is nuts! How can people do that with our planet? Well, it's very simple, She wants to take care of us, provide for us and all she wants in return . . . love.

We are only common folks. It's just that we have been learning how to co exist with Mother Earth and we have found peace, fulfilment and love. We have learned that we can live in the bush without anything from man's world. There is so much nourishment out there, you just need to know where to look! There is food, water, shelter and clothing. We are learning how to be completely self sufficient and co exist with our environment.

This is only some of what we want to share. If someone wants to become involved with our venture there is much we can show you. Not only is there an opportunity to learn about your world, there is also the adventures. We offer fishing, hiking, wildlife observation, photography, and anything else you can imagine. If you are wanting to learn about wilderness survival or just take an excursion into the wilderness, we will accomodate you. What about just relaxing and enjoying the peace and quiet? That, too, is in our plans.

Let us know what you think. We are just simple people trying to get by. What we need is just enough to get this started. What are your ideas? How can we make this happen?
 If anyone has an idea, please let us know!
Thanks! Ralph and Lillian

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